Complete description of our services

Services of Importation

The execution of the services understands all the activities required and expeditious necessary to the attainment and granting of license of Importation, together to the Decex/Secex, Ibama, National Department of Fuels, Health department, Ministry of Agriculture, Visual Audio Department among others;

Invoice analysis pro-form (documents), catalogues technician and too much documents referring the importation, giving orientation on the best form of embarkment, and as to proceed before and after the embarkment so that posterior problems (delay) when of the disembarrassment of the merchandises are prevented;

Quotation, Negotiation of the International freight when it will be the case;

Elaboration of Classification: we elaborate classification of merchandises, appealing itself it clarifications with the Customer in case of doubts on the product, always aiming at the lesser tax burden with the correct NCM;

Elaboration of the Declaration of Importation (it saw siscomex) also with entailing of the License of Importation when it will be the case, accompaniment and disembarrassment of the merchandise in 8ª Fiscal Region, or in other fiscal regions, below primary and secondary zones of the eighth region:


International airport of São Paulo - Cumbica - Guarulhos – SP

International airport of Viracopos - Campinas - SP

Customs Port of Saints


We in such a way work with all the Warehouses of the Secondary Zone in São Paulo * as in the Port of Saints.

* São Paulo encloses all Eadi"s of the Secondary Zone 8ª Fiscal Region (Former: Dry Port, Cnaga, Agesbec, Columbia, Cragea, Saint Andres, Sorocaba etc.)

  • In case of problems in the disembarrassment of the merchandises where the Fiscalization is not dealing with the problem adjusted form, or trying to impose inadequate fines, we supply to assessorship to the customer (legal area) how much the pertinent legislation and framings to interpose action at law, or through our partner, we can formulate the process all;
  • Elaboration and accompaniment of Act of concession of Draw Back Exemption, suspension of the taxes (or any another modality) until its approval and evidence;
  • Petition elaboration, resources and clarifications, together entrance the Federal Prescription and accompaniment of the process (this type of process is without legal characteristic);
  • Service of Logistic to which is essential for the reduction of costs, beyond the related economic assessorship to the process of Importation;
  • Act of receiving of the documentation, or removed together the Company Aerial and Maritime, also steps for the payment of the freight when it will be the case, verification of the storage or discharge or spawning of fishes of the merchandise, transit of the primary zone secondary zone when it will be the when requested case or for the customer, through DTA"s or DTA I, elaboration of Simplified Declaration of Importation when it will be the case;
  • Preparation of budgets (previous of costs) referring the international, road freights, tributes, taxes and other expenditures in the Importation so that the customer can foresee the esteem expenses of its posterior importation and steps for the payment of the same ones (In the case of the I.I., IPI, Tax Use of the Siscomex, Pis Importation, Cofins Importation (Taxes Custom house) the debit could be effected directly in the account of the customer, or if to prefer in our account);
  • Accompaniment of the Physical conference of the load, inspection, customs clearance and of the withdrawal of the merchandise of the bonded area, also contact with its transporter or our transporter for delivery of the merchandises disentangled until place stipulated for the customer;
  • Finishing of the process and sending of the documentation and invoicing to the customer.
  • Register of Financing

    Elaboration, accompaniment and approval of order of registers of external financing and investments of foreign capital in the importation of machines or equipment.

    Services of Exportation

  • The execution of the services understands all the necessary activities and expedients the attainment of necessary documents in the Exportations, enclosing since the elaboration until the approval, together to the competent agencies, among which we detach: commercial invoice, certifyd of origin, packing list, emission of the Register of Exportation and the Declaration of Forwarding in the Siscomex (System of the Federal Prescription), as well as any another demandable document in accordance with the characteristic of the Exportation;
  • Negotiation and coordination of the internal transport for the embarkment place, sending of documentation for the place of the disembarrassment;
  • Quotation, Negotiation of the International freight (Collect or Prepaid) when will be the case, also reserve of squares (in the case of the freight daily pay-I pay steps for the payment of the freight;
  • Elaboration of the Aerial or Maritime bill of landing;
  • Accompaniment in case of physical inspection of the merchandise, either in Primary or Secondary Zone (Private airports, ports or warehouse)
  • Sending of the documentation of embarkment to the customer or negotiating bank, when it will be the case.
  • International Transports

  • Orientation how much the forms and procedures to be adopted to prevent delay, problems in the Importation or Exportation;
  • Analysis and negotiation of Freights (before Company Aerial, Maritime or agent of load), reserve of squares, definition of embarkment place;
  • Emission of Alert Daily pay of the embarkment, accompaniment of the origin until the destination, with prompt acknowledgment to the customer of the date of exit, forecast of arrival, and dates accurate of fond of the destination.
  • Assessorship Economic Technique and in the Foreign commerce

  • In all the services of given Importation and Exportation also can be boarded subjects as:
  • Improvement of the cost benefit, its forms and procedures in accordance with the characteristics of the company;
  • Formation, departmental viability;
  • Logistic and its economic aspects in the Foreign commerce;
  • Other economic subjects aiming at improvement in the procedures and referring cost the Importation and Exportations.
  • Planning, projection, programming and financial economic analysis of investments and financings of any nature;
  • Marketing evaluation or evaluation of business administration;
  • Studies, analyses and to seem pertinent the World-wide Economy and Micron economy (consuming, selling);
  • Analysis technique, evaluations and surveys;
  • Other works where if they unfold the constants of the previous subjects or with which are connected.
  • Commerce

    Import and Exporting advertising

    We can effect operations of importation or exportation through our Import and Exporting Advertising, and repass the merchandise through note of sale (Importation) or repass exchange (exportation).

    - ICMS Santa Catarina Benefit Process etc.

    - We work throughout the National Territory, in particular:
    Port of Santos, Ports of Santa Catarina (Itajaí, Itapoá, Navegantes), Rio Grande do Sul, Uruguaiana, Chui, Pacaraima, Acre (Border Point Assis Brasil), Fortaleza São Paulo (Guarulhos Airport), Campinas (Viracopos Airport)

    - Primary to secondary zone removals. Releases in any primary or secondary zone

    Contact our Headquarters in São Paulo:

    Vitimpex Assessoria Técnica e Econômica no Comércio Exterior Ltda

    Rua Rui Gomes de Almeida, 177 - São Paulo - SP - CEP 03602-030

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